
REEF/USDT - Cup and Handle breakout trade !!

TR7z ที่อัปเดต:   
Hello trader,
Nice week and profitable deals 💲

Triangle breakout trade !!

Entry-SL - R / R can you find in the chart!

I would like to mention that all I post are just options and my own opinion!
Always trade with SL, and do not risk more than 1% of your portfolio (max 3%) per trade.

Check my performance. If I have brought you good profit more often (stocks, forex, crypto) I would be very happy about TV coins !!

➡️If you like my posts smash the like👍👍 button, comment or follow me.⬅️

Thanks for reading my ideas,
Trade save !!
@shpsh If you wish, target for the end of 21st of course we have to adjust the hit again and again. If BTC comes above 0.786 retracement, forget it, then I'm wrong ... if you liked it, I would fire me a few likes. Trade save
set your trade on breakeven


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