
OKB (OKB) - June 18

readCrypto Mod ที่อัปเดต:   
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If it goes down, you should get support at point 4.802.

I think this is an important point because 100EMA and 5M on the 1M chart are passing near the 4.802 point.

If you look closely at the chart, you can see that the 50EMA and 60SMA cross.
For this reason, special attention should be paid to trading.

In order to get rid of these worries, it should rise with a strong volume and rise to at least 5.271 points.

Since the Bollinger Bands are converging, movement is expected within a few days.


** Check support, resistance and abbreviation points.
** Support or resistance is based on the closing price of the 1D chart.
** All descriptions are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss on investment.

Description of abbreviations shown in chart
R: A resistance point or section where a countermeasure is needed to preserve revenue.
S-L: Stop-Loss point or section
S: A point or section where purchase is possible to generate profits as a support point or section
The 50EMA drop below 60SMA began to be clearly seen on the chart.
You need to make sure that U-turn appears while receiving support from 4.625~100EMA.
5EMA of the 1M chart is passing near the 4.802 point.
It is located near the section to be supported, 4.348~4.802.
I think it's good to get support at 4.625 or higher in the support section.
These are alt coins being observed at OKEX Global Exchange.
Check support and resistance points or sections.
(OKBUSDT 1D chart)

With a sharp rise, I touched 5.271.
You must get support above 5.271.

If it falls, you need to make sure you can get support at point 4.802.
If you don't get support at 4.802, there is a chance that it will drop below 4.348.

[Example of exchange chart setup]



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