
Ocean merger with Fet and Agix offers opportunity

OCEAN, FET and AGIX look to be migrating to ASI

This is a very interesting move as we see the market began a wave of M&A. It is important to keep an eye on these developments and can be a sign of industry about to send it higher.

OCEAN opportunity

With OCEAN being on OP it offers a low cost gas fee to buy into. It looks like it will have the lowest conversion rate of 1 OCEAN = 0.433226 ASI while 1 AGIX = 0.433350 ASI and 1 FET = 1 ASI. This is quite fair considering current prices.

This merger could lead to be a bit of volatility

Must be careful of the swings created by this expectations and speculations. While migration may offer an opportunity for OCEAN holders there is also significant risk. Ideally, ASI will be better placed come bull market but can be safest to wait for ideal entries to reduce risk.

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