
NZD/USD (Oct 2018) *Upside is coming but be patient

SonicDeejay ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:NZDUSD   ดอลลาร์นิวซีแลนด์ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
This will be my views of NZD/USD (Oct 2018)
Please make sure to read the "update" comment as there will be changes along the way.



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Updated On GBP/USD (24 Oct 2018)

Watch out the super hard resistant of 0.66 level.
It needs to bring tons to momentum break out.

But once it is broken out. I am expecting we may see some bullish action.
Get ready for a good ride, Dorothy!

Typo "NZD/USD"
Updated On NZD/USD (30 Oct 2018)

We have 2 levels of support/assurance (0.645/0.652)

Now the momentum is on our side.

It shall go to these levels.

TP1 0.5470
TP2 0.6590

All the best.

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:
Updated On NZD/USD (2 Nov 2018)

Both TPs hit on the same day. It feels great.

TP1 0.6470 (TP1 hit)
TP2 0.6590 (TP2 hit)

Now, 0.6590 has become a good support and it is better to stay on the long-only side.

All the best.

All the best.
Updated View on NZE/USD (10 Nov 2018)

+210 expect target level hit.

Updated View On NU (4 Dec 2018)

We have been telling NZD bullishness on our previews and tredefair talks.

It is making us proud. +500 pips swing.


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