
NZD/USD analysis today: Price increased slightly.

DNA_BrianTrading ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:NZDUSD   ดอลลาร์นิวซีแลนด์ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Hello everyone! Today, the NZD/USD pair experienced upward momentum, reaching the level of 0.5900 during the early Asian trading session on Wednesday. The decline in the US Dollar (USD) has pushed the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) above the US Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Meanwhile, the US Dollar Index (DXY), which measures USD value against a basket of global currencies, is fluctuating around 104.50 after retreating from its high at 104.90.

And you, what do you think today?
good luck


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