
NVDA watching $625-640: a Major Resistance on the way to $689

EuroMotif Mod ที่อัปเดต:   
NVDA is currently at a Major Resistance cluster from $625 into $640.
Expecting a retrace or consolidation before uptrend continuation.
Drag DOWN on the PRICE scale to see zones above current window.

Bears might get a desperately needed short with movement.
Bulls might expect a pullback to a green zone where to add.
Break and retest of red zone for uptrend continuation entries.

Next MAJOR target and possible TOP is Golden Genesis fib at $689.21

For reference, here is NVDA's Genesis Sequence (single fib series that has caught all major turns):
Major target hit: $689 That is a golden Genesis fib, the strongest fibs that exist.

Zoom IN (1min) for a closer look aty the fib Even though we have NEVER been here before,
the Golden Ratio multiples make their presence known.

So now we look for pullback, or break and retest.

( PING ) "Ping"= Exact ricochet on fib that one can almost HEAR

My rule:
"Not every Ping starts a Reversal,
but Most reversals start with a Ping"



the Golden Ratio is my Religion
the Trading View is my Nation
the Moderator Tag is my Flag

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