
Buy Nifty Intraday BTST

NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
Nifty has given breakout for falling trendline in 30 mints and this is a positive indication that, this will move towards 17200 levels till tomorrow. MACD also showing a bullish crossover, So if anyone wants to go long from this level can go with current running price 17041 and keep a stop loss at 16900 and go for targets above 17100/17150/17200+ Chances are high we can see targets today only but if not happening today then wait till tomorrow that is why this is a BTST trade.
Option lover can buy:-
Nifty Mar 17050 CE at 102 now keep stop loss a 50 target 150/175/200+

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Best Regards,
Rahul Pal
(Full Time Trader & Investor)

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