Nifty 19-01-2022

HARISHRAO99 ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
NIfty 50 move up side corrective phase
Nifty correction complete (a,b,c)
Wave a --> start 19 oct 2021 and end 20 dec 2021 in internal 5 wave
wave b--> continue move up side dentoed(ia, ib , ic )
ia wave start 20 dec 2021 and complete 13 jan 20222
ib start continue 13 jan 2022
Telegram channel t.me/Elliot_Harish_Rao

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crypto channel t.me/HarishRao9911

Views are purely educational in nature. You are solely responsible for any decisions you take on basis of my research

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