
Nifty @200 day EMA

indiamarketoutlook ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
We have highlighted this possibility few days back that below 63 day EMA Nifty might have a strong probability of touching 200 day EMA...

Here we are Nifty lingering around 200 day EMA.

Closing Short positions should be considered.

For Medium to Long term investors, these are good times to accumulate good quality stocks in Equity / Cash

Take care & safe trading...!!!

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:
Nifty cmp 19022

It is a good 155 points up from 18868 odd levels.

Consider to book profits and enjoy your weekend .


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