
Nifty as week ended on 01/01/2021

NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
Pure Price Action observation of last week candles.

1.> Candle 1 is base candle
2.> Candle 2 tested candle 1 and closed above high of candle 1
3.> Candle 3 tested candle 1 then closed above high of candle 2
4.> Candle 4 tested candle 2 and closed above high of candle 2
5.> Candle 5 tested candle 3 and closed above high of candle 3 and also 14000 strike was captured on closing basis.
6.> In all structure of HH HL was never compromised.
7.> Conclusion is trend is still intact going into next week



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