
August Monthly Levels NIFTY

AstroAnalytica ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50

Buy Above 19855.46

Buy Targets 20041.36 20226.25 20375.68 20525.11 20737.86 20867.03 21307.73 21791.48

Sell Below 19629.54

Sell Targets 19443.64 19258.75 19109.32 18959.89 18747.14 18617.97 18177.27 17693.52

See the Sentiment chart for the Month in Related idea . 18th is Trend Reversal date
19258 2nd target reached and a minor reversal from here is in progress. I usually see reversal at 2nd target as an early indicator of Trend reversal.
Aug 14: Close above 19485 is Daily Trend reversal



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