Support, Resistance and Bollinger Band suggest limited downside.

I have just drawn Supports, Resistance, Mother, Father lines and added Bollinger band to Nifty chart. The indication is limited downside for now in Nifty unless the Chinese Virus is overplayed in the market by the bears and other forces. My discussion with medical fraternity and other knowledgeable people suggest that the threat of HPMV is overplayed and mortality rates might not be as high as COVID in the recent virus outbreak. This is the information I have however I advise utmost caution would wish you to verify the information with friends in the medical field in your knowhow. Currently Bollinger band is not suggesting a heavy downside. However things will be more clear by end of this week as the market plays out. Not more than 2 to 5% (max) down side is visible to me in the short term unless there is a global catastrophe of massive order. RSI has taken a turn hopefully soon it will embark towards bullishness.

Supports for Nifty Remains at: 23249, 23466, 23555. Below 23249 flood gates for further downside can open.

Resistances for Nifty: 23720, 23795, 23855 (Mother line or 50 Hours EMA), 23942 (Mid-Bollinger band level), 24061 (Father line or 200 Hours EMA), 24146, 24231 and finally 24326 (Bollinger band top).

Disclaimer: The above information is provided for educational purpose, analysis and paper trading only. Please don't treat this as a buy or sell recommendation for the stock. We do not guarantee any success in highly volatile market or otherwise. Stock market investment is subject to market risks which include global and regional risks. We will not be responsible for any Profit or loss that may occur due to any financial decision taken based on any data provided in this message.
