
Nifty: Chart set up and Sensex historical chart co-relation

NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50

- We are looking at Nifty monthly chart
- the co-relation of Nifty and Sensex Chart of 2006-2008 has been discussed earlier too
- Now we are looking more closely and in to the details

Sensex chart time frame 2006-2008

For levels look at the right hand side of Sensex chart

Things are self explanatory.

Whether it would follow the same pattern... only time will tell...

So far... Many of our Long trades in stocks (you can see my history to understand our stock views and their targets or can see some of the ideas in the related link below) have been based on this view for Nifty posted earlier

We would be looking to book profits in some of the counters.

Take care & safe trading....!!!

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