
Nifty Spot Chart Analysis for Today 14 March, 2024 For Option

NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
📈📊 Nifty Spot Chart Levels 📊📈
🔵 Day Range: 541.1 Points

📈 Buy at: 22240
📊 Avg. Pos.: 22176
🎯 Target 1: 22332
🎯 Target 2: 22539
🛑 Buyer SL: 22102

📉 Sell at: 22112
🎯 Target 1: 21663
🎯 Target 2: 21457
🛑 Seller SL: 22250

Seasoned index & commodity trader with excellent technical analysis skills.

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