NASDAQ:NDAQ   Nasdaq, Inc.
NDAQ is having a bit of an electric surge and could push ATH (all time highs) amid the pandemic playing out. Tech for the win it seems during times of uncertainty to save the day.

Bears are getting a bit of a slaughtering here as many are turning to and being more reliant on technology than ever before.

A forethought is that smart money in other US markets will leave these stagnate companies to flow into high tech tech firms, due to FOMO thus NASDAQ will hit ALL TIME HIGHS.

Keep in mind that this also makes the economy look stronger yet soo many more are staggery than ever before since the start of 2020 due to the flow on effects of covid and the recession that no one is clearly speaking about that’s been teeter totting since mid last year. (You can’t polish a turd)



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