
NAS bottom may be in

Vanillasagna ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:NAS100USD   US Nas 100
NAS daily channel and 100 day MA holding. A bottom may potentially have formed.

Indicators have reset and support longs (RSI, Stoch, MACD). DMI is about to cross bull on daily TF.

This is a cleaner and larger TF view of idea previously posted yesterday using 4hr chart - much more detail in previous idea below:

NAS has now correct 8.5% - comparable to other pullbacks in the channel since September 2020.
TL broke Friday and today currently on target for first close above 50MA (light blue) in almost a month
Very strong move off the bottom - is 16k (top of daily channel) possible?
16k hit - if it keeps going to the top of the daily channel could potentially reach 16,200


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