
Microsoft - 2016 Trendline is breaking down! 43% CRASH.

NASDAQ:MSFT   ไมโครซอฟต์ คอร์ป
  • First Netflix, then META, TSLA, and now MSFT!
  • The major trendline from 2016 is breaking down with a successful retest. This is not looking good.
  • MSFT is still pretty strong compared to others, but the question is how long it can last.
  • The next support is the base trendline from 2009. In this case, a 43% crash is possible. I don't see any good, strong support above the trendline.
  • If we take a look at the MACD indicator, we can see that the histogram is very negative for the first time in a long time. It clearly broke the major uptrend.
  • As per my Elliott Wave analysis, this whole uptrend is done. MSFT's uptrend was brutal, as it always is, but the impulse wave has been completed. Now we are looking for a retracement.
  • The previous all-time high from 2000 is pretty much the worst-case scenario, just in case it starts to free fall like META. Buying Microsoft on this support is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  • We are experiencing a historical crash in stocks and crypto. A lot of investors get rekt and it will be even worse. Great to be alive or not? :D
  • I am not here to spread negativity, but I cannot pretend that everything is bullish. I don't want anyone to lose money with bad investments, but when the big players decide to crash the market, no problem for them.
  • Thank you.



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