
Billiam Yates (TGR - pt.3)

JerryManders ที่อัปเดต:   
BATS:MSFT   ไมโครซอฟต์ คอร์ป
I've made good profit playing MSFT calls over the past year. But now I'm seeing evidence that a major top is in, and there will be some explosive downside near/mid term.

Sell zone is 410-420 (so if it goes to 420 I'll take that as a gift to load June puts). Expecting the reversal to the downside to begin by May 10th.

Target 1 = 399 by 5/17
Target 2 = 390 by 5/31

This is setting up for further downside to 380s at least, probably a lot lower.

Willy G.
Entered puts.
Added puts. Its about that time.

Just golfed with Billy and hes short too, bogeyman.



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