
Luna classic (LUNC)

Christash ที่อัปเดต:   
Hello there,

After a 500% run from July onwards LUNC shows that it could be interesting. It moves frequently up and down which makes it attractive for me. At least for short/medium term. I will watch 0.0001700 area being under 0.236 of Fibonacci retracement level from the top 0.000592 to down 0.00008597.
I know that Luna does not have a positive story around it, with -98% four consecutive days, but anyway I would take a small chip.
Let's see how it works.

Kind regards.
Well... LUNC did it exactly what we expect to do. And immediately after boom! 55%.
I think it was too easy that's why I am waiting for it a bit lower this time.



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