
LTC, Bullish sign again, time to buy?

Dan_Wang ที่อัปเดต:   
BITFINEX:LTCUSD   ไลท์คอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
I made 72% profit from the last rally since Jan.2020 . Today I wake up and see the bullish sign (entry signal) from my chart, confirmation indicators show bullish, if price stay above 20EMA, I will put 1/3 of my position size in it, the rest of it depends on the price action in the next few days.

Another bullish sign about LTC is the hidden bullish divergence. I think we will have another rally soon. Let's see.

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน:
Close the trade, LTC is going the other direction for now. I will cut the loss and wait to see when it will recover.

formal education makes a living, self-education makes a fortune!



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