
LTC inv h&s appears to be validating; golden cross soon

DrDovetail ที่อัปเดต:   
COINBASE:LTCUSD   ไลท์คอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
Unlike the tezos, and algo inv h&s patterns which ended up being takeouts and have now been nullified, the ltc inv h&s seems to still be legit and is currently attempt to validate its breakout. We can also see it is just 1-3 daily candles away from its golden cross adding bullish confluence to this breakout. The breakout target had to be readjusted slightly lower than the original target because price action dipped back below the neckline. The new target is $91.79. I will put a link to the previous litecoin idea about this inverse head and shoulders pattern below. *not financial advice*
Target hit!

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