BITSTAMP:LTCUSD   ไลท์คอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
Litecoin saw a nice relief rally, as we anticipated yesterday. Prices were looking a bit oversold, even for Litecoin. We were able to test $153, coming just short of this level before a red triangle on the KRI confirmed resistance just below it. The Kovach OBV is completely flat, aside from a very slight uptick with the rally. We should not get too excited over this rally. As mentioned yesterday, this is likely a relief rally for now. Watch for Litecoin to establish value between $153 and the $140's, with $147 being the nearest level of support. After that, we should have support at $141, then $134, but we aren't likely to see these levels today. On the upside, we still have to break $165 to confirm a bull trend.

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