
Litecoin Still Lagging

quantguy ที่อัปเดต:   
BITSTAMP:LTCUSD   ไลท์คอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
Litecoin has continued to waver in the $140's and $150's, but has not even been able to muster the strength to test $153 again. We do appear to be seeing support from $147, with several green triangles confirming support here. We are hovering about $147 in an ever narrowing range, which could suggest a breakout is near. If so, we could test $153 again, but we have $158 to conquer before we can test $165, which appears to be a formidable barrier for LTC. From below, $141 and $134 should hold should prices dump lower.
Finally got the dump to $141!! Looks like we are trying to find support just under this level around $140.

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