
Litecoin Eyeing the FOMC Statement Today

quantguy ที่อัปเดต:   
BITSTAMP:LTCUSD   ไลท์คอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
Litecoin has recovered the $100 handle, and is maintaining a very narrow range between $105 and $110. We keep testing $110, but red triangles on the KRI are confirming resistance here. We don't expect much action in the crypto market until after the FOMC statement this afternoon. After this event, we are likely to see a relief rally from markets in general and crypto is no exception. If this is the case, Litecoin could easily attempt $114 or $120, the next technical levels and our targets for LTC. If not, then we should see some support at $100 or $94. The Kovach OBV is gradually trending upwards, which could suggest a bull divergence.
Litecoin within inches of our first target of $114!

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