
300% More For Litecoin? Let's Have A Look!

BINANCE:LTCBTC   ไลท์คอยน์ / บิตคอยน์
Litecoin (LTCBTC) is now strongly bullish as it moves above the EMA100 and EMA50 price levels.

EMA100, the blue line on the chart, is being conquered today.

A close above this level daily, 0.005980 signals good strength.

Even if prices consolidate before moving higher LTCBTC is still looking great.

On this chart, I am mapping an additional 300%... You know how this goes, this is crypto... We can see 300% happen in 2-3 months or it can happen in just a week or a few days.

That's how crazy this market is.
With no experience, it is hard to trade.

For those of us with patience... We buy and we wait.


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