CME:LE1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้าโคเนื้อน้ำหนักระหว่าง 850 - 1200 ปอนด์
Weekly Cont. Cattle: The shaded boxes represent the previous 4 years of price action. Observe: Price trends up into early February. Cattle broke resistance against the (dashed) downtrend line and is attempting to break above the (solid) uptrend parallel line.
A break above the solid up trend parallel will be fighting the larger structure of a long term bear. **When it makes a swing low, the reaction high has failed to take out the up trending parallel line above. After marking the swing high, price action eventually moves lower taking out its current up trending line. Can Feb or April Cattle buck the trend?
A solid move above the current parallel would target the $130 area at the next light gray uptrend parallel. A move lower targets the lowest solid uptrend parallel between 95 and 100. End of March and July will be time frames to watch for potential cycle highs or lows.
**Put/Call Spreads or 3 way spread may be ideal at this current area**



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