
Kroger stock is investor's safehaven in a volatile period.

NYSE:KR   Kroger Company (The)
Hi everyone,

Today I want to raise an interesting topic of stock market sector rotations. KR is a great example to demonstrate that.

Since late November broad risk assests have been selling off. When investors see the rise in volatility and sell their tech stocks, where do they put their money?
They reinvest their money into low risk assets.

KR stock recently fired off a signal for a great buy opportunity.
That's because Kroger represents Consumer Defensive stock sector and money has been flowing in from all the risk assets selling.
And indeed, we can see that since November 22 stock gained around 25% in price.
Now it is making all time highs, while all major indexes are nowhere near their tops.

As the cycle continues, money will outflow from the stock, which will cause it to retrace back.
But do not forget that Kroger is an established business with decent earnings and a long history of dividend payments.
It won't crash like tech stocks tend to do.
Instead, it will retrace to around 40-43 level.

And when the tech recovers and we reach peak of bullish euphoria once again, just buy some Kroger stock.

Trade wisely and good luck!
This is not financial advise


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