Based in Toronto, KL is a rapidly expanding gold production business. KL’s assets are in Canada and Australia, where exploration activities occur daily. These exploration programs are centered on identifying the locations of mineral resources. KL has a low forward P/E ratio of 9.24. The company's stock is currently trading around $23 below its 52-week high of $57.69. KL has a POWR Ratings grade of C along with an A grade in the Quality component and Bs in the Momentum and Value components. If you are curious as to how KL grades out in the Sentiment, Growth, and Stability components of the POWR Ratings, click here. KL is ranked 26th of 46 stocks in the Miners - Gold industry. You can learn more about the stocks in this industry by clicking here. The analysts have established an average price target of $51.50 for KL, meaning it might pop by 51.6% in the months ahead. Of the six analysts who issued recommendations for the stock, three consider it a Buy, two consider it a Hold and one considers it a Strong Buy.