Negative Interest Rates, AI Web Police, Blockchain AutoDebit tax
I am posting this to say to all, I am revising my crypto long to make them a bit more precise. As said before, I am getting increasingly schizophrenic with my money (Courtesy to ZeroHedge, an incredibly reliable and alternative news source). As I see ETH with in infinite max cap, XRP with an ICO and a 50% control hold, founders copy and pasting cryptos and saying it will be the next Bitcoin, my heart falls.
I have been in this space since 2014, as a young Junior in High School, I remember gathering 1k USD (Which was a ton to me at this time) to go to the Harvard Square Bitcoin ATM, BTC was at a $500 market price.
I say this to all, don't trust these CEX's or even DEX's (Centralized Exchanges / Decentralized Exchanges). Keep your money in cold storage or hard wallets, do not share your seed phrases and remember, downside protection is infinitely more important than upside potential. What is the difference between a 1,125% vs a 1,130% gain or a -100% loss.... I will let you answer that.
"They mistake leverage for genius". I have made this mistake as well.