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Let's dive into the 3-hour candlestick chart for InterGlobe Aviation Ltd. (INDIGO), the parent company of India's largest airline, IndiGo.
Here are some key insights based on the 3-hour chart:
Current Trend: IndiGo has been trading in a strong uptrend over the past few hours, with a sharp increase in price.
Resistance and Support: The stock has a strong resistance level at around ₹2,450-2,550 and support level at around ₹2,250-2,350.
Bollinger Bands: The Bollinger Bands are expanding, indicating increased volatility in the stock.
Momentum: The RSI (Relative Strength Index) is above 70, indicating that the stock is in an overbought zone.
Candle Patterns: The 3-hour chart shows a bullish Piercing Line pattern at around ₹2,350-2,370, which is a bullish reversal signal.
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