
Indigo Bullish Flag

The chart is a 15-minute candlestick chart for InterGlobe Aviation Ltd, showing recent price movements on the NSE. The key details are:

Current Price: 4,924.80 INR, down by 7.85 INR (-0.16%).
Volume: 48.681K shares traded.
Price Range: The high was 4,934.50 INR, and the low was 4,923.45 INR.
Support and Resistance: The chart shows a resistance level around 4,998.40 INR.
Pattern: There appears to be a consolidation pattern forming, possibly a pennant or flag, suggesting potential for a breakout.
Trend: The price has been fluctuating within a range, with a recent attempt to break out upwards.
The chart suggests a potential bullish breakout if the price can surpass the resistance level. However, traders should watch for confirmation and consider volume and other indicators before making decisions.

Slightly not powerful pattern identified. check it for learning n watch it
As expected SL hit
Chart PatternsindigoindigoanalysisindigolongTrend Analysis
