
ICP Update bearish $4 - $5 incoming

BARSTrading ที่อัปเดต:   
Update from previous chart (linked below)
ICP's recent breakout was not a long signal because it did not close above the $13 mark which is required for a trend change.
The reason for the rise in price over the last week was due to the Web3.0 convention that takes place annually and these Web 3.0 coins usually see a quick pump and dump that happens. You can literally track to the exact minute before the convention started to how the price rose, and then as soon as it died down, the price dumped.
Don't get fooled.
My bearish stance still stands on ICP

I am expect the next fib level of 2, at $4.86 to be hit, where it will see a little bit of buying pressure and price will increase. If it doesn't increase, then easily $2-3 is next.
Previous idea:
Higher highs coming now
Second bounce up, up trend slowly starting now

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