
Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) - August 6

BINANCE:HBARUSD   Hedera Hashgraph
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You need to make sure you can get support at 0.04277790.

If you break the 0.04595618 point with a strong ascent, you are likely to touch more than 0.05839300 points.

As of August 25th, we should see if we can rise above the 0.04277790 point and follow the uptrend line.

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** Check support, resistance and abbreviation points.
** Support or resistance is based on the closing price of the 1D chart.
** All descriptions are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss on investment.

Description of abbreviations shown in chart
R: Resistance point or section, where a countermeasure is needed to preserve revenue.
S-L: Stop-Loss point or section
S: A point or section that can be purchased for profit generation as a support point or section

(Short-term Stop Loss is a point where profits can be saved or additionally entered through split transactions. You need to trade from a short-term investment perspective.)

[Example of exchange chart setup]





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