
GRT's Market Makers are sadistic

Hey Everyone!

GRT's market makers made it look like they were invalidating an inverse head and shoulders - and then shot it right back up as we entered this new alt season.

Now it just looks like a big bull flag, again.

I have nice confluence around 4 bucks - I think many others do, too. After that, I am seeing some interesting confluence around the low to upper 8 dollar range.

A colleague of mine taught me about the gann fann. I think that once we break out of it, and bust through the S/R zone above that is from about 1.9-2.2 and establish it as support - we will probably be ready to rocket up to 4 and beyond. Of course, we could just see a ridiculous parabolic move that busts through it without confirmation, too.

So again - intermediate targets - 4 dollar area, then 8 dollar area.



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