TVC:GOLD   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างทองคำ (ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ / ออนซ์)
If gold makes it to 1765 this is the list of possibilities:

-> Reverses hard from there
-> Sideways then up
-> Sideways then down
-> Pullback then continues up
-> Continues up straight line
-> Fake breakout then crashes

If gold makes it to the top of the channel that would be $1850.

Each has their own opinion for my part I was convinced gold would bounce, but I don't see the ultimate bottom before a big bull market.

This is what happened the last time it visited ath

I would even go short on a triple top probably.

I am ready to exit when it starts to hesistate past "target". It probably won't just fall like a rock instantly, thta would be unfortunate, as usual it should just flatten a bit before dropping.

Re-enter lower if double bottom



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