TVC:GOLD   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างทองคำ (ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ / ออนซ์)
On the day, gold futures traded between $1,973.30 and $1,984.60, after rising by 1.3% on Tuesday and falling by 0.4% on Monday.

US Mint Bullion Sales in 2023
Last week, on Tuesday, the U.S. Mint reported the first bullion sales gains for the month and published updated figures for June. Since then, there have been no further reports of bullion sales.

The table below presents a breakdown of U.S. Mint bullion products sold, with columns indicating the number of coins sold (not total ounces) during different time periods.

GOLD SELL LIMIT 1987 - 1989💯💯

✅ TP1: 1980
✅ TP2: 1975
✅ TP2: 1970

🛑 SL: 1994


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