TVC:GOLD   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างทองคำ (ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ / ออนซ์)
As discussed throughout my morning's commentary: "My position: I have to add here that at the moment Gold is suffering more from the miraculous DX rally and less from the Bond Yields developments. I have engaged my Selling order few moments ago with #1,807.80 as an entry point. My optimal Target is #1,778.80 Selling extension."

I have closed my Selling order Intra-day (#1,807.80 - #1,790.80) on a fine #17 point Profit run, as I am on #14 Profits row without any Stop-loss hits regarding April - May cycle. I will use this chance to congratulate Traders on fast Profits as I am now even with my #2015. Year record of #14 Profits in a row.

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- Few other un-official channels are not mine, they are copies using my real information (impersonating me and my work / identity) so keep that in mind and beware of those.

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