FX:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
The British pound is testing towards the 1.2800 resistance level against the US dollar after finding strong technical support from the 1.2722 level. The intraday sentiment surrounding the GBPUSD pair remains strongly bearish while price trades below the former weekly low, at 1.2835. It is also worth noting that the recent failed attempt at the 1.2694 support level has created a bullish triple-bottom pattern.

The GBPUSD pair is strongly bearish while trading below the 1.2835 level, key technical support is now found at the 1.2835 and 1.2694 levels.

If the GBPUSD pair trades above the 1.2835 level, key resistance is found at the 1.2900 and 1.2940 levels.


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