It always works the same way...

โดย MrRenev
Human-sheep hybrids psychology.

No matter where I look I see the same flaws manifest in different ways
A quote
By 1998, Yahoo was the beneficiary of a de facto Ponzi scheme. Investors were excited about the Internet. One reason they were excited was Yahoo's revenue growth. So they invested in new Internet startups. The startups then used the money to buy ads on Yahoo to get traffic. Which caused yet more revenue growth for Yahoo, and further convinced investors the Internet was worth investing in. When I realized this one day, sitting in my cubicle, I jumped up like Archimedes in his bathtub, except instead of "Eureka!" I was shouting "Sell!"

The majority just ends up becoming bagholders one way or another.
Here are comments on the housing bubble from 2006
"Since the early seventies, our economic expansions have really been credit bubbles in disguise, and they have been paid for by inflating the money supply. The net result each time has been a reduction in the middle class standard of living. In the sixties, the family could easily make due on one income; do the math today…dual incomes aren’t enough now."

The lucky investors are the ones whose invetment falls like a rock and goes all the way to zero because they panic sell.
The unlucky one are the ones for who the price slowly falls and keeps giving them copium.
Virtually no one manages to make money trading, but they all manage to reach their primary goal which is to feel like a trader.

Technically humans are less able to adapt to gradual change than frogs, so the expression boiling frog is not that accurate.
Humans are huge bagholders with herd mentality. Some are bigger bagholders and more easilly enslaves.
Funny how it's impossible to find any useful tangible info on the subject on the internet you just get drowned in a sea of ideology propaganda.

The Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority are also interesting to read about. The vast majority complied with it, and even 65% went all the way to the final 450 volt death sentence.
What's great about the Milgram's experiences is they were used to criticize the holocaust (for stupid people that want to report me: I'm obviously not saying criticizing it is a bad thing), and they fall in line with the western ideology, so we can find plenty on the subject and read about it. That's their greatest quality: we can actually freely read about them.

You can't read (In Germany and France at least) anti LGBT research, articles, stats. That is illegal and incitation to hatred.
Spitting on a religion and printing drawings of the prophet sodomizing a sheep, which directly incites to hatred both in the arab world and in the west where people's head are cut off, is legally NOT incitation to hatred.
I'm just saying... You're in China you won't read about Tiananmen Square. The west used writtings and research by Gustave Le Bon and other guys I forgot the names of, that did a great job on herd mentality, propaganda, compliance, etc, and good luck finding much about it... Anyone that talks about it won't go to jail but will be a "crazy conspiracy theorist" and the herd believes it (they literally use the tactics they are accused of to silence critics it's hilarous).

With herd mentality did you know you could move a guided robot that looks like a sheep and the whole herd will come running?
It is also possible to use this to remote control fish in an aquarium? It is very fun.
It works the same way from humans but slighlty harder or more subtle.

For example the vast majority in urban areas will walk by someone dying on the ground, but if 1 person stops to help then the crowd stops too.
For example in a crowded area if people see 2-3 people run for their lives the whole crowd will follow, in that case the crowd might have to even the non-sheep.
In open concerts you start with a few weirdoes dancing and once the trend starts the crowd quickly dances and befor you know it the people not dancing are the weirdoes.
Bitcoin investors were considered idiots by "normies" or sheeple if you prefer, and somewhere between 2012 and 2017 investing in BTC became the norm and the skeptics are the idiots.

These herd trends look like the growth of a bacteria population (or viral pandemic), also appear in markets, but this is a story for another time.
Correction the prophet was drawn with a pig. Didn't see it myself so...
Yes, makes sense. Drawing him with a sheep would be a racist stereotype and they'd face years in jail and mass protests of mongolians holding candles, but with a pig now that's free speech and beautiful and not throwing oil on fire.
bagholdersherdmentalityRisk ManagementTrading PsychologyTrend Analysis
