
GBPUSD D1 good opportunity for sell

Amirhosseinbahrami7899 ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Hello traders this is my analysis about GBPUSD daily time frame as we are in begging the wave c from 1 from a and I expect a downfall to determinized targets to end the wave a and then we expect a wave b and uptrend ( it is maybe something about 50 percent from wave a ) and also I predict a Crab Harmonic Pattern after ending the wave a for rising the price . this analysis is made Harmonic Elliot , Harmonic Patterns , price action methods I hope it would be useful for you
***Here the wave 4 came to the wave 1 area but why I consider it as wave 4 ? sometimes in Harmonic Elliot wave 4 can come to wave 1 area in special situations
like when wave 3 was less than 1.64( from start the wave 1 to end the wave 2) or unusual Fibonacci ratio.



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