FX_IDC:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Thought it would be wiser to post the trading levels in the morning so we know if the Australian session has taken some of them out.

while GBP/USD might look like an attractive buy I would not be buying at these levels. There are more buy-side imbalances below 1.3727. Try to pick up another buy level, and remember the Fed are announcing rates today so this a good enough reason for the market to consolidate then explode to the up/down-side.

POI - Strong buy-side interest at 1.3727 and below
POI - Strong Sell-side interest at 1.3776

Currency Strength Comparison -
Strong: GBP
Weak: USD
delta: +26.38


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