FX:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
The British pound has opened the new trading week gap-down against the US dollar, as Brexit uncertainty once again drives sterling lower. The GBPUSD pair is bearish while trading below the 1.3155 level, with the 1.3100 level the key support area to watch for further intraday losses. Overall, the bullish inverted head and shoulders pattern is still valid while price trades above the 1.2930 level.
The GBPUSD pair is intraday bearish while trading below the 1.3155 level, key support is found at the 1.3100 and 1.3050 levels.
If the GBPUSD pair moves above the 1.3155 level, key resistance is found at the 1.3200 and 1.3258 levels.


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