
GAS is a beast, buy here again

Xanrox ที่อัปเดต:   
OKX:GASUSDT   Gas/Tether
Gas pumped a lot, which you can see on the chart. Now we need to think about re-buying this coin for another profit. Where to buy GAS? We have an unfilled FVGAP that I have drawn on the chart; this is strong support. Also, we have the 0.786 FIB retracement. These levels are close to each other, so place your limit orders to buy gas here. Thank me later. We also need to complete the ABC corrective pattern before another pump.

Gas is a token created on the NEO blockchain platform with primary purpose of being fees for processing transactions on the NEO network.

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buy GAS lower or wait for a confirmation (break above the parallel channel)
Ready to buy Gas, we can see huge wick to the support zone.

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