FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
The euro currency has started to recover above the 1.1500 resistance level against the US dollar after sellers failed to move price below the 1.1431 support level, creating a bullish double-bottom pattern. The EURUSD pair has an intraday bullish bias while trading above the 1.1500 level, although buyers need to quickly move price above the 1.1553 level to negate bearish pressures.

The EURUSD pair is intraday bullish while trading below the 1.1500 level, key resistance is now found at the 1.1530 and 1.1553 levels.

If the EURUSD pair trades below the 1.1500 level, key intraday support is found at the 1.1480 and 1.1431 levels.


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