
EURUSD 4HR Bearish Projection

FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
The current analysis of EURUSD indicates a downward trend. Yesterday, it broke a significant support level and closed below it. While a temporary reversal may occur before the bearish movement continues, it's important to note that the DXY (US Dollar Index) has surpassed a major resistance level. This development suggests that EURUSD is likely to decline further towards the 1.05553 price zone, which represents the next significant support level in the coming weeks.

It's crucial to remain aware that market conditions can shift unexpectedly. If the price manages to surpass the extended trendline and break above it, my bias would change. However, as of now, I maintain a bearish outlook on EURUSD.

What's your thought on this? Kindly comment below



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