
EURUSD June 17, 2021

AlpacaBlack ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
Market easily go thru support level at 1.2092 and we already touch next significant line on 1h tf.
Can we expect consolidation here?
Yes, until we trade above 1.1931 there is a chance that we can bounce back to 1.1989-86 or even 1.2020-30 level, but imho it is sell levels already.
On the other hand if we lost 1.1931 lvl it will lead to more losses of common currency value... let's say 1.1860 first and 1.1780 second.
Not legal and financial advice;
Any information provided here is only the personal opinion of the author.




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