
✏️ EUR/USD : DXY will Rise and EUR will Fall again ?

ArmanShabanTrading ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
By checking the EURUSD chart in the 4-hour time frame, we see that the price has entered a MB and if it stabilizes below 1.09250, we can expect a drop to 1.085 as the first target and 1.078 as the second target! The next supply levels (other scenarios) are 1.09490 to 1.096 and 1.098 to 1.10, respectively!
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Best Regards , Arman Shaban
By examining this chart in the 4-hour time frame, we can see that the price entered the desired supply range and has been able to drop more than 110 pips so far! Other assumptions of this analysis are still valid!

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