OANDA:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ


The euro rose in the European market on Monday at the beginning of the week's trading against a basket of global currencies, consolidating above its lowest level in a week against the US dollar, on its way to achieving its first gain in the last three days, following strict comments from a monetary policy maker at the European Central Bank.

These statements reinforced the possibilities of raising European interest rates later this month, and in order to reassess those possibilities, investors are awaiting later today, the speech of European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde.

The EURUSD pair trading positively to try to breach the level 1.0825which requires attention from upcoming trades as confirming the breach will stop the suggested negative scenario and push the price to turn upward to targeting 1.0849 and 1.0903

while the price needs to trade below the mentioned level again to revive the bearish trend whose next target is located at 1.0740 and 1.0690

The expect range trading for today it will be between the support line 1.0772 and resistance line 1.0825

support line: 1.0772 , 1.0740
resistance line : 1.0825 , 1.0849

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