Note- This Prediction is purely depending on Fundamentals & technical only
Hi Friends my suggestion is the market can be expected to move to 1.05353 Level and come down for Liquidity grab/fag/retracement .But remember the area between 1.04251-1.03850 acts as a caution zone why ??
Its because of the fib retracement
1) If we trace from 2022 low to 2023 high This zone is the 50% zone.
2) if we take the Jan low to Jan high this zone acts as 30% zone.
3) from last week low to high this zone acts as mid for 30% as well as 50%
For additional Info when ever the market is inside this range we could see high support and resistance taken place.
so i would suggest to be cautious or if there is any strong fundamental the market could first resist 1.05353 and break then retest and go more higher using fundamental red folder news
I wish you for a success full trading week.