
EURUSD fib levels

Etrader-forex ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
EURUSD fib levels
eurusd is pulling up after down-trending to 1.065
# possible short after rejection under 1.085 , 23.6% fib
# possible long after breaking 1.085 price level + confirming 1.085 as support, Tp1 at 1.1074 ( 50% fib) or Tp2 1.1174 (61.8% fib)

remember all direction need confirmation before opening
At 1.085 we opened the long trade
eurusd still moving up has reached Tp1- 50% fib 1.107, next level will be 1.1174

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